The High Court has provided a judgment affirming that a hedge fund which acquired positions in certain tax lease structures is entitled to its claim against Vietnamese airline, Vietjet Aviation Joint Stock Company (“VietJet”), although the exact substance of that relief has yet to be determined.
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Operating lease and finance lease – the key differences
From time-to-time, transactions or scenarios occur that require consideration of whether an operating lease or a finance lease is the best way forward for parties involved. Whilst their structures are similar, there continue to be key differences in how operating and finance leases are structured and function. …
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Legal challenges in autonomous flight: Things to consider before investing in an aircraft that flies itself
Today, some commentators have even argued that autonomous flight is likely to become a reality much earlier than autonomous driving. However, a distinct issue is the extent to which artificial intelligence (AI) may be used in autonomous flight.
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Too hot to handle? The perils of the super-heated sale and leaseback market
The sale and leaseback (“SLB”) model has been a key source of funding and portfolio management for lessors and airlines alike for some time now.
There are two principal SLB transaction structures employed for new aircraft, as illustrated below.
The first is the “back to back” sale, whereby an airline pays for and takes delivery…
An eye on the New Year
As we open our Advent Calendars each December, thoughts inevitably turn to Christmas, the New Year, and to what the next year will bring.
But this year we are also looking 12 months ahead to New Year 2019.
Why? Because January 2019 will see International Accounting Standard (IAS) 17 replaced by International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 16.
Now accounting standards may not be the most festive or exciting of topics, and to many of our readers that may sound like an insignificant change. Indeed the legislators themselves have said that it should cause “only minor changes from the current standards”. However, the general consensus is that in the aviation industry, the effects may be more profound.
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Aircraft lessor plans “airline-for-hire” service for its fleet of A380s
What to do if you are an aircraft leasing company struggling to lease your aircraft? For one lessor, Dublin-based Amedeo, the answer is to create its own “virtual airline”.
Amedeo has apparently been struggling to attract new lessees for its fleet of Airbus A380s – it currently has 12 under management and a further 20 on order.
They believe the best way to utilise the company’s assets is now no longer to just lease the aircraft to airlines but to operate them directly under what they believe could be a new model for air transport.
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Asian lessors disrupt the worldwide aircraft leasing sector
The airline leasing sector has already had an incredibly busy year with major moves towards consolidation in the form of the purchase of lessor AWAS by DAE in April.
Leasing plays a significant role in the aviation sector as a whole – with leased aircraft estimated to account for 40-45% of new aircraft purchases. Consolidation is not the only factor driving change and shaking up the sector. Major players are increasingly noting competition from new Chinese entrants to the market. Many more have benefited from Chinese investment.
Chinese lessors are making real waves in the sale and leaseback market by the terms they can offer for new aircraft purchases. We know that the Chinese lessors we work with have ambitious plans, not least because of China’s huge domestic market (industry estimates put demand at around 6000 new aircraft over the next two decades).
What opportunities and challenges does this influx of new entrants pose for the aviation industry as a whole?
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